Cataract Surgeries Near Norman, OK

Experience Vision Transformation with Advanced Cataract Treatments in Oklahoma City

At Advanced Laser and Cataract Center Oklahoma, cataract treatment is more than a procedure—it's a pathway to a renewed way of seeing the world, led by Dr. John Belardo. Known for his expertise in eye care, Dr. Belardo is not just an accomplished surgeon; he's a visionary in restoring clear, vibrant vision. Imagine rediscovering the world with unparalleled clarity and vividness.

Undergoing cataract surgery with Dr. Belardo is a transformative experience. Many of our patients express one common regret: not having the surgery sooner. With Dr. Belardo's gentle and precise approach, you're not just correcting your vision; you're embarking on a journey to a brighter, more colorful life.

Are you ready to see the world in a new light? Learn how cataract treatment in the Oklahoma City area by Dr. John Belardo can revolutionize your vision. Discover the possibilities of a life with enhanced clarity and schedule your appointment with Dr. Belardo today!



Cataracts, a prevalent condition characterized by the clouding of the eye's lens, significantly impair vision by causing it to become blurry or foggy. This occurs due to the buildup of proteins that obscure sight.

At Advanced Laser and Cataract Center Oklahoma, our distinguished surgeon, Dr. John Belardo, expertly removes these cataracts, restoring the lens's transparency and your vision's clarity. By integrating the most advanced technology lenses available, we ensure that each procedure not only enhances your sight but does so with the utmost precision and care.

Our approach to cataract surgery is designed to be minimally invasive, promoting a swift recovery and immediate improvement in your visual experience. Typically surgery only lass about 7 minutes per eye and you notice results the same day.

If you're looking to reclaim your clear vision and improve your quality of life, or if you wish to learn more about our innovative cataract surgery, contact us today. Let Dr. Belardo and our team at Advanced Laser and Cataract Center Oklahoma help you see the world with new clarity.

A patient is waiting to undergo cataract surgery.


Understanding what a cataract is marks the first step toward clearer vision. When you select Advanced Laser and Cataract Center Oklahoma for your eye care, you're choosing a path to renewed sight. Here's a closer look at our cataract surgery process, designed with your comfort and health in mind.

  • Your journey begins with a comprehensive evaluation to understand your unique needs. Our team thoroughly reviews your medical history and assesses your eyes and works with you to determine how you use your eyes so we can recommend the most effective treatment plan. This plan is tailored to you, including selecting the ideal type of lenses to enhance your vision. Should both eyes require surgery, we operate on them separately, ensuring a focused approach to each eye's recovery.

    1. Preparation: We start by applying numbing eye drops to ensure you experience no discomfort during the procedure.

    2. Incision: A small, precise incision is made in the cornea to access the cataract.

    3. Cataract Removal: Specialized instruments gently break up the cataract, which is then carefully suctioned out of the eye.

    4. Lens Replacement: An artificial intraocular lens (IOL) is implanted to replace the natural, clouded lens, restoring clarity to your vision.

    5. Protection: A protective shield is sent home with you to over the eye to safeguard it while you sleep as you begin the recovery process.

  • Following the procedure, we equip you with detailed aftercare instructions to ensure a smooth and effective recovery. This includes advice on avoiding strenuous activities and the correct use of prescribed eye drops to promote healing.

    At Advanced Laser and Cataract Center Oklahoma, we're committed to providing you with a seamless, comfortable surgical experience. Our goal is to improve your quality of life through an amazing surgical process.

Two older men playing chess in a park.


Are you wondering if cataract surgery could be the right solution for you? The most effective way to determine your candidacy for this life-changing procedure is through a personalized evaluation with our eye care specialists at Advanced Laser and Cataract Center Oklahoma.

Cataract surgery stands as the definitive treatment for cataracts, offering a pathway to restore clear vision for those diagnosed with this condition. If you're experiencing any of the following symptoms, it may be time to consider an evaluation for cataract surgery:

  • Persistent Blurred Vision: Vision that remains blurry despite the use of prescription glasses or contact lenses.

  • Halos and Glare: Difficulty with lights, where halos or glares around lights become a common problem.

  • Visible White Spots: The appearance of white spots on the pupil, indicating a significant cataract development.

  • Night Vision Issues: Finding it increasingly difficult to see in low light conditions, affecting nighttime activities.

  • Diminished Color Vibrancy: Colors that once seemed bright and vivid now appear dull and washed out.

These symptoms can significantly impact your daily life, making routine activities challenging and diminishing the quality of your visual experiences.

Don't let cataracts cloud your vision any longer. By scheduling an appointment with us, you're taking the first step towards clearer vision and an improved quality of life. Our team is dedicated to providing expert care, from the initial evaluation to the customized treatment plan tailored just for you.

Ready to explore your options and see the world more clearly? Let's embark on this journey to better vision together.

A eye is visible through green leaves.


Choosing cataract surgery at Advanced Laser and Cataract Center Oklahoma opens the door to a world of visual improvements and personal benefits. Here are just a few of the transformative advantages you can expect:

  • Clearer, Crisper Vision: Experience the world around you with renewed clarity, enjoying the details of life that were once obscured by cataracts.

  • Brighter, More Vivid Colors: Rediscover the vibrancy of colors. After surgery, many patients are amazed at how much brighter and more vivid everything looks.

  • Safe and Effective Procedure: With a track record of success, cataract surgery is recognized as both a safe and highly effective treatment, providing peace of mind for patients.

  • Enhanced Quality of Life: Improved vision can dramatically enhance your overall quality of life, boosting your independence, confidence, and enjoyment of daily activities.

  • Correction of Additional Vision Issues: Beyond treating cataracts, the procedure can also address other common vision problems, including presbyopia (difficulty focusing on close objects), nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism, often reducing the need for glasses or contact lenses.

  • Quick and Painless: Cataract surgery is typically fast and painless, with most procedures completed in under an hour and patients able to return home the same day.

  • No Need for Injections or Stitches: Advances in surgical techniques mean that injections and stitches are generally not necessary, facilitating a smoother recovery process.

If blurred or clouded vision is diminishing your enjoyment of life, now is the perfect time to explore how cataract surgery can help. At Advanced Laser and Cataract Center Oklahoma, our dedicated team of eye care specialists is here to guide you through every step of the process, from initial consultation to post-surgery care.

Don't let cataracts hold you back from seeing the beauty of the world in full clarity. Contact us today to discuss your cataract treatment options and how we can help you achieve the best possible visual outcome.


At Advanced Laser and Cataract Center Oklahoma, we uphold the highest standards of safety and effectiveness in all our cataract surgery procedures. We believe in transparency and informed decision-making, which is why we thoroughly discuss any potential risks with our patients during their evaluation.

While cataract surgery is highly successful, it's important to be aware of potential complications, which, though rare, include:

  • Infection and Inflammation: Utilizing advanced surgical techniques and strict post-operative care protocols, we strive to minimize these risks.

  • Elevated Eye Pressure: This can occur post-surgery but is typically manageable with medications prescribed by our team and usually resolves within a day or two.

  • Lens Implant Displacement: On rare occasions, the lens implant may shift from its optimal position. Should this occur, our skilled surgical team is prepared to address and correct the issue promptly, ensuring your vision is not compromised in the long term.

  • Preventive Measures: Following surgery, adherence to prescribed eye drops, wearing a protective eye shield during sleep, and avoiding rubbing the eye are critical steps to prevent complications and promote healing.

Our commitment to your vision extends beyond the surgery itself. We prioritize your safety through meticulous planning, execution, and follow-up care. Open communication is encouraged throughout your journey with us, allowing any concerns or questions to be addressed fully.

If you have additional questions or wish to learn more about the measures we take to safeguard against risks, including handling lens implant displacement, please reach out to us. Your vision and well-being are our utmost priorities, and our team is dedicated to supporting you every step of the way towards achieving clear vision.


If you suspect you have cataracts or have already been diagnosed with them, the expert team at Advanced Laser and Cataract Center Oklahoma is here to guide you through your options. With skilled and experienced eye care specialists, including our leading surgeon Dr. John Belardo, we're dedicated to improving not just your vision but your overall quality of life through cataract surgery.

Cataract surgery at our center not only promises clearer, sharper vision but also opens the door to a life enhanced by greater independence and enjoyment of daily activities. The procedure is a transformative experience for many, offering not just visual improvement but a renewed sense of confidence and well-being.

To discover more about how cataract surgery can benefit you and to explore the innovative treatment options available at Advanced Laser and Cataract Center Oklahoma, we invite you to get in touch with us. Our team is ready to provide comprehensive information, answer your questions, and help you take the first step towards clear vision and an improved quality of life.

Contact us today to schedule your consultation or to learn more about the path to clearer vision with cataract surgery.