Over the years, LASIK eye surgery has become a very popular option for those looking to improve their vision, without having to wear glasses or contact lenses. However, many advancements have been made in the field of vision improvement, and a new method, ICL Surgery, or Implantable Collamer Lens surgery, is yielding positive results in vision correction, similar to the effect of LASIK. So, which one is better for you?

Both LASIK and ICL yield a similar end result: sharper, clearer vision without the use of contacts or glasses, and a short outpatient procedure. That being said, here at Advanced Laser and Cataract Center of Oklahoma we recommend ICL Surgery over LASIK for a variety of reasons, especially if you’re trying to correct nearsightedness. These reasons include: 

  • Dry Eye Syndrome. In LASIK eye surgery, roughly 20% of patients experience dry eye syndrome in their recovery: an uncomfortable condition where your eyes cannot produce enough moisture, leading to redness, dryness, and inflammation. ICL eye surgery does not result in dry eye syndrome.

  • Corneal Tissue. ICL surgery does not damage or remove corneal tissue, which LASIK does. Instead, a plastic lens is inserted between your iris and your natural lens, bending light on the retina and creating clearer vision.

  • Reversibility. Because there is nothing done to your cornea or retina in ICL surgery and a lens is just being inserted, the effects of ICL survey are reversible and removable, should you ever run into complications. This is not the case for LASIK: once you have the procedure, it is irreversible. This means that there is more flexibility in future eye procedures.

  • Eye Condition. Depending on your eye health, past history, or eye condition, LASIK eye surgery may not even be an option for you. ICL surgery is a fantastic option for those who cannot have LASIK, but would like something done to help your vision.

  • UV Protection. As an added bonus, ICL surgery gives you added UV protection, as the material of the lens contains a UV blocker that blocks out UVA and UVB rays from entering your eye. Long term, this means protection from UV related eye diseases and issues.

Advanced Laser and Cataract Center of Oklahoma offers premiere eye care and patient care in Oklahoma City. We are committed to providing you the care you need while continuing to learn more about the latest technology in eye care to remain the best in the industry. In addition to eye surgeries, we also specialize in contact lenses, glasses, cataracts, eye exams, and much more. Come SEE us today! Visit our website to submit an information request or give us a call at (405) 755-7700.

